Tuesday 8 November 2016

Professor Cedar here...

Good Afternoon students, 

It appears that you have stumbled across my lost research notes. Everyday it seems that a new page is found unfortunately they must have got muddled up so they will be published in a completely random order.

Over the years I have accumulated a vast knowledge of the world of Pokemon.
This world is widely inhabited by creatures known as Pokemon. We humans live alongside Pokemon, at times as friendly playmates, and at times as cooperative workmates. And sometimes, we band together and battle others like us. But despite our closeness, we don't know everything about Pokemon. In fact, there are many, many secrets surrounding Pokemon. To unravel Pokemon mysteries, I've been undertaking research.

Anyway enough about me.

These notes will be published everyday under one condition: that people read them. My only hope is that my years of research haven't gone to waste and that many students and trainers will find my life's work and learn from it. 

That should be enough of an introduction, so on with the show.

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