Friday, 18 November 2016

#438 Bonsly

Often mistaken to be a Grass type Pokemon, Bonsly uses this misconception to his advantage. Actually a Rock type, they are weak to water yet many trainers avoid using any Water type move in fear of Bonsly retaliating with a Grass Move.

Bonsly is the Baby pre evolution of Sudowoodo, and evolves into it once it has learned the move mimic. Bonsly is alright at mimicry, with trainers and Pokemon often mistaking it for a Bonsai tree, yet will only evolve when it can mimic any species of tree without fail.

They have a habit of crying. This isn't out of sadness or want for attention, but to rid it's body of excess moisture. It prefers arid area's yet they have been found in gardens as well.

Since Bonsly are virtually babies, they don't fair well with solid foods and are much more confident if in the care of a capable trainer. These Pokemon require a lot of attention, much like a Bonsai tree.

It can only be hatched out of an egg if the Sudowoodo parents are under the influence of Rock incense.

This Pokemon has the lowest Special Attack stats of any Pokemon!

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