Masquerain is a Bug and Flying type Pokemon originally found in the Hoenn region. The evolved form of Surskit, it has prominent eye shaped markings on its antennas used primarily for scaring away any predator but also for attracting a mate.
Masquerain usually live in swarms of more than 20, and are rather dangerous despite their docile faces. If one was to encounter a Masquerain swarm, the best option would simply be a swift get away.
They inhabit areas such as wetlands and lakes, or any other place that provides them with still water for the Surskit to live on and an open sky for them to freely fly. These Pokemon are not migratory and prefer to stick to an established nesting ground than venture far and wide.
Evolving at level 22, Masquerain typically have the Intimidate ability due to their markings, yet the more colourful, albeit rarer, ones can have the ability Unnerve.
Weighing in at approximately 3.6kg on average and standing at 0.8m tall, Masquerain are not much of an issue on their own but only pose a problem when in their larger swarms.
One thing I observed is that if a Masquerain's 'eyes' (so to speak) look droopy and sad, it is often a sign that a great storm is coming. This fact makes them a rather good indicator of when to pitch up your tent.
Masquerain need to be able to sense if rain is coming because if is wings get wet it cannot fly forcing them to find shelter.
Due to a Masquerain having four wings, it can manoeuvre in such a way that it can move in all directions as if it were a helicopter.
The diet of a Masquerain heavily relies on berries, mostly the Wacan berry, so can usually be found near a food source.
On occasion, a Masquerain can be found holing SilverPowder. These Pokemon make an adequate companion and are on par with many others in a battle situation.